Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Crime out of control

It always amazes me that so many middle and upper-class white folk think, that they are the only targets of mostly black criminals and violent crime. Like our politicians these folk are really so far out of touch with the community and the people of the country that they make these ridiculous statements and have far fetched assumptions and warped reality. Our society is crumbling around us with the family unit collapsing and children communicating with thumbs rather than speech, and when they do speak it is as if they are from another planet anyway. So how do we explain that most of the prominent murders lately have effected our black artists and musician's. The Genocide attacks have been black on black, we have lost black soccer players, black businessmen, black teachers to violent crime. Talking about an average Friday night in Alex or Soweto with some of my staff scares the living daylight out of me. What these hardworking honest struggling parents have to put up with is quite unbelievable to any of us living in the suburbs and it is so far removed from our lives that we prefer to pretend it does not exist, but are the first to cry fowl when our suburban bliss is threatened not that we should not kick up a fuss t is just that we slip back into ignorant mode the minute our personal issues have been resolved. What I am advocating is that we do not sit back, that we the taxpayers of this country who strive to better ourselves and our children should also stand united to better our country. Did you march to Pretoria today, if not why not. "We are marching to Pretoria" was a childhood song handed down from the war, and we are still marching to Pretoria , maybe the reason why! has changed but it is still Pretoria where the government sit in plush wood paneled offices, so far away from the country and it people. When will the government of this country stand up and take charge of a situation that is so clearly negatively effecting us all in so many ways. I think the power crisis pales in significance to the crime crisis, considering a worldwide economic slow down there will be higher unemployment and a converse increase in crime, after all how can you feed yourself and family if you have no job, no income, no savings , no means to borrow. I was interested to find out from a New Zea lander recently that there is unemployment in his country and that there are areas in New Zealand where the Islanders rule with violence and aggression, where drugs play a huge role and crime is rampant, however I was also amazed that these thugs are given homes, equipped with furniture including a TV set, fridge, freezer etc all at the Taxpayers expense. Apparently these people are given a monthly income as well, yet there is still crime perpetrated against the very system that takes care of them. This can only lead to an implosion, this soft attitude towards criminal behaviour mus stop. In India each man has something simple to do to earn a little bit of money, his job may only require that he turns the tap on for you to wash your hands in a public facility. At least he has a purpose each morning when he wakes up, hopefully he is tired when he gets home and will go to sleep early with food in his stomach. Food For Thought?

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